Dragonfly SaaS

Dragonfly SaaS

Dragonfly SaaS

A platform built from continued development

We built Dragonfly as a system, something you can tap into, explore and pull information from. This was never designed as static one size fits all type solution. Analytics and retention are not a set formula in the respect of measuring your users and performing actions to engage them. Many of the other products we see lack viat features and a one to one relationship of your users behaviour and the activities we can engage them with.

Why go for the Saas approach?

SaaS (Software As A Service) in recent times has dramatically reduced to cost of ownership for companies who are looking for adopting new software, many turnkey solutions allow new users to sign up and simply start using their services. In 2018 we built our Dragonfly engine not as a software service but a fully extensible API service to allow users to integrate to our system not just use the tools. As stated in 2019 by this TechCrunch article API's are the next big SaaS wave, so how does that help you? Dragonfly is a complex engine that engages users with products, the core technology is built around user metrics and predictions leading to postmortem analytics, self scoring of accuracy and self learning to tune the system for more accurate results. In short, this works on a user by user basis testing different cohorts and measuring or learning about behaviours of users to improve how it then treats similar cohorts. The Dragonfly engine is the backbone of our platform Alpaca, a customer retention system aimed at delivering most valued content to users via the most likely response channel possible

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What is important in Retention?

Something often overlooked is the possability of keeping the wrong users. We ofetn get caught up in the processes of keeping all our users, trying to track down the edge-case users and refining the funnel to keep as many as we can. But we forget, users are like guests at a party. Some are there as direct invitees, you wanted these users to come. Some are like partners of the invitees, you accomodate them and they are welcome. Some are like the awkward person who is somewhat dysfunctional and you would rather they left. This is a situation we face in retention daily - keeping the right users

Is there an AI police system?

There are times when you feel you want to make changes, maybe you have a new goal or target for users. In these cases we can edit rules that govern the systems allowed behaviour. I think everyone sleeps better at night knowing that if your AI went "Rogue" some part of the system would terminate it. So Dragonfly has a list of rules, thresholds and limits you can control. Because, if we are honest, if your system decided to sms every user on your site in one day, you would prefer to know it was stopped after a handful of users because of your safe limits settings.

Can I simply plug into it?

Yes. If you want an already integrated platform we have the Alpaca Platform which has been field tested for over a decade. It takes the effort out of retention and marketing and has a whole load of add-ons that enable PPC, Landing pages, user segementation and it is omni channel too. Of course, you can write your own system if you have graphs or tools already, that is the beauty of the platform. You can tap right in to the part you want!

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